In vitea Veritas, too

   So much of youth is spent in ignorance, they say. As I get older, I wonder if it is not more true to say it’s spent without fear of consequence.  When you’re… Continue reading

That’s me inside your head

It has been quite some time since I have freely and, admittedly, easily put pen to paper, particularly in the sanctity of my own home – alone. As I sit here, I am… Continue reading

Verily lacking my Veritas

And here I sit, as I have so many times before, wine in hand, snacks on the side, brain fired up and heart filled with thoughts to transcribe. The difference is minor. No… Continue reading

Practical Necessity

For as long as I can remember, there has existed in my realm two contradicting paradigms. One: If it bothers you, if it means something, or if you need to make sense of… Continue reading

If you are hopeful, why can’t you be happy?

Look, I wish I could explain to you why I haven’t spoken to you in such a long time – I mean why I have not gut wrenchingly smudged my bloodied truthful soul… Continue reading

A fully fleged, hot blooded, very capable woman

So the first question I know you all have… where the hell have I been? The easy answer is I’ve been sorting my shit out. The right answer? Well… that’s a much longer… Continue reading

Stress, Strains and sensations

I am stressed at the moment. Work has taken over in a big way and a lot has been and is happening. I have a lot of personal worries too. Things that are… Continue reading

In Vino Veritas (The truth is that everyone is Tad Hamilton to somebody)

“Everyone is Tad Hamilton to somebody. She’s Tad Hamilton to you, and you’re Tad Hamilton to me” I know the quote may be lost on you if you haven’t watched the movie, but… Continue reading

For what it’s worth

For what it’s worth, I am sorry. I have tried for a while now to find the right words to explain to you that it is in no way cliché to say it… Continue reading


I want to remember this moment, right now, this greatness I feel in my passion to reach my goals, the simplicity with which it seems I all of a sudden can tackle even… Continue reading